Monday, 14 May 2012

Wedding Disaster!
Your wedding is meant to be the happiest day of your life it’s supposed to be a day to remember and hopefully for the right reasons.
Our family was invited to my cousins wedding Saturday May 12, 2012 and it’s a story that needs to be told!
My cousin Kevin and his beautiful bride to be Jodi have been together for 12 years and like many young couples have gone through so much and have fought for their love and strength of their relationship. When a wedding date was set we all celebrated in this union as whenever you were in a room with these two you could see the love and admiration they had for each other. The sheer shock and disappointment started Friday night May 11th with the arrival of the wedding party to the venu1008 in Inglewood for the wedding rehearsal. The excitement was apparent with everyone involved as there were two families coming together to support and celebrate this union. However, there was another wedding party there with the same excitement and joy in their eyes. How could this be two wedding parties, two brides, two grooms, and one venue, there must be some mistake…..yes there was a mistake two contracts signed and the venu1008oblivious to this development. Soon it became apparent that only one family was going to be celebrating at the venu1008, contracts were pulled out and scrutinized and the bride and groom that signed first would be granted the venue. Kevin and Jodi at 6:00pm Friday night were told they would have to find another venue for the wedding that was scheduled for the following day! The wedding party and families came together with cell phones in hand calling every place they could think of that might be able to help out! Another venue was found that evening and all invited guests were called with the changes.  PHEW, the next morning at 9:00am the NEW venue called and said they made a mistake and would not be able to accommodate the wedding…..SIX hours prior to Jodi walking down the aisle to marry her best friend and the man of her dreams she is being told once again, “we are sorry” how can something like this happen, how cruel and unfair! 11:30am another venue was found. Port O’Call Calgary Airport Hotel thought was how sorry we felt for Jodi, and how hard this is on her,Kevin and the families. Second thought was how are they going to pull this off,ceremony and reception with limited time? 
We arrived at the Port O’ Call in at2:30, and the hotel had the wedding posted on their event board and we went to find the ceremony room, WOW it was beautiful, chairs, alter, flowers, music,decorations. We must be in the wrong room; this wedding venue was just decided on a couple hours ago! As family started to flow in we knew we were in the right room and at 3:30 the guests stood as Kevin played his guitar and serenaded his bride down the aisle, there was not a dry eye! At 5:00 the reception doors opened and supper was too be served at 6:00, we found out throughout the evening what this venue did to accommodate this wedding on short notice and it was clear they are committed to customer service and going above and beyond. Port O Call, brought employees in by taxi to get the reception room set up and the meal prepared, and what an unbelievable job they did. The room was beautiful, the supper fantastic and the night was truly magical. I am not sure what would have happened if the Port O' Call wasn’t called, but what I do know is this is an establishment that really went above and beyond and showed that it is a first class wedding facility. 
Brides and Groom plan for months to pull the perfect wedding together and this one with the help of an army of people was planned and executed within hours and proved to be a wedding that will not ever be forgotten. 

Looking back Kevin and Jodi will see that this was one day in a long life together as husband and wife. It didn't go as planned, but it's a sign of the resilience they have as a couple. And they now have a story to tell that is unique and always memorable. 

As a family we are very proud of this couple how they showed that love will conquer all and once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale

1 comment:

  1. Kevin and Jodi truly did stand up to adversity and showed how much they loved each other. During the whole disaster, the venue advising Fri night that we couldn't be there, the second choice (BTW provided by the original venue) calling Sat morning to say it was a no go, and the rush when Port O'Call was picked on Sat., Kevin and Jodi never once uttered a cross word to each other and never faltered from their determination to be married as planned. Kevin even remarked "I'd get married in an outhouse - I love Jodi and want to marry her today I don't care where or how!!" he was stellar and certainly a solid rock in a very stormy sea!!
